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    Today, we proudly announce the partnership between Nylas and Stripe see more

    Nylas Teams Up with Stripe to Bring the Nylas Email App into the Stripe Dashboard


    Today, we proudly announce the partnership between Nylas and Stripe, streamlining customer support workflows by enabling email functionality with bi-directional sync.

    View and send emails directly from the Stripe Dashboard for both shared and private email accounts

    Today, we’re excited to share the launch of Email by Nylas, one of the first apps in the Stripe App Marketplace.

    The Email by Nylas app brings email communication directly into the Stripe Dashboard, streamlining customer support workflows by enabling email functionality with bi-directional sync. Any emails sent from the Stripe Dashboard appear in the user’s email client (Gmail, Microsoft Exchange, etc), and emails sent from the email client can appear in the Stripe Dashboard.

    As a leading financial infrastructure platform for businesses, Stripe’s mission of improving the GDP of the internet goes hand-in-hand with Nylas’ mission of helping developers access communications data. Both companies are looking to accelerate new business opportunities, improve workflows, and increase customer engagement.

    Improving efficiency and reducing context switching for customer-facing users

    Small business owners and customer facing roles, such as customer support reps, have to manage a plethora of tools, from email, to calendar, VoIP systems, CRMs, and more. Juggling all of these tools creates a large amount of context switching which reduces productivity and leaves room for human error to be introduced.

    The app allows all customer-facing Stripe users to reduce context switching and improve efficiency of support workflows, like processing refunds, billing disputes, and other product quality related outreach that relates to billing. The best part? The app is free to all Stripe users.

    With this new release you can:

    1. View all inbound and outbound emails for a particular customer on shared and private email accounts. The main page shows the top five threads, and then the user can click to “View All” or “Search.”















    Once the user selects a particular customer, the Nylas Email app pulls in all the details associated with that customer, including all previous conversations and billing information.















    2. Reply or forward emails to customers directly from using a shared or private email account















    3. Compose new emails and send to customers















    You can get started with the Email by Nylas app for Stripe today by installing it here. If you have questions, comments, or feedback, please send it to

    We couldn’t be more excited to be working with Stripe, and look forward to helping support their mission to improve the GDP of the internet. 

    About Stripe 

    Stripe is a financial infrastructure platform for businesses. Millions of companies—from the world’s largest enterprises to the most ambitious startups—use Stripe to accept payments, grow their revenue, and accelerate new business opportunities. Headquartered in San Francisco and Dublin, the company aims to increase the GDP of the internet.

    About Nylas

    Hundreds of thousands of developers around the world use Nylas to easily access this communications data and put it to use quickly in order to inspire innovation, customer engagement, and digital transformation at scale. With Nylas, developers at innovative companies like Upwork, Wix, Freshworks, Lever, Dialpad, and Ceridian get universal access to rich communications data, intuitive APIs, open-source UX components, advanced AI/ML-based high volume ETL capabilities, and comprehensive security features to create meaningful and innovative products, workflows, and experiences for customers and employees.

    See original post here.